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They include long-time best friends lawyer Will Truman (Eric McCormack) and designer Grace Adler (Debra Messing, 'Seinfeld'), her obscenely wealthy, pill-popping, gin-swilling assistant Karen Walker (Megan Mullally) and flamboyant man-child and would-be actor Jack McFarlane (Sean Hayes). It features a tight-nit cast of distinctly different friends, all of them vain and narcissistic to the point that the world outside their own social life is expendable. 'Grace' makes a favorable comparison to 'Seinfeld'.

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In the network sitcom machine, they have proved to be light-years ahead of the hacks. But David Kohan and Max Mutchnick have put together a sitcom with all the elements of a classic screwball comedy, given it a modern attitude and a tad of bite that the genre is starving for since the departure of 'Seinfeld'. Network: NBC Genre: Sitcom Content Rating: TV-14 (for strong language and strong sexual dialog) Available: Syndication and DVD Perspective: Classic (star range: 1 - 5) Season Reviewed: Complete Series (8 seasons) On the surface 'Will & Grace' will seem like just another shallow, sex-based studio-audience sitcom, and beneath that it is -in fact - just another shallow, sex-based studio-audience sitcom.

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